Pillar Signs
CODE: 13823 - 13828
Pillar with Arcuate Plastics.It accepts girder
80 x 20 cm,
80 x 40 cm,
80 x 80 cm.
Συνεργάζεται με τα καπάκια ABS...
CODE: 13850-13853-12410
Pillar with Arcuate Plastics.
It accepts girder
100 x 40 cm,
100 x 50 cm,
100 x 60 cm,
100 x 100 cm...
CODE: 13856-13855 or 13855A-13857
Pillar with Arcuate Plastics with Use of Hinge και Illuminated Profile. It accepts girder.
150 x 60 cm,
150 x 100 cm...
CODE: 13850-13857 or 13851-13857
Pillar με Arcuate Plastics with Use of Hinge.It accepts girder
100 x 40 cm,
100 x 50 cm,
100 x 60 cm,
100 x 100 cm...
CODE: 13851-12410 or 13850-12410
Pillar with Pressed Arcuate Plastics. It accepts girder
100 x 40 cm,
100 x 50 cm,
100 x 60 cm,
100 x 100 cm...
CODE: 13829-13830-13832 or 13829-13831-13832
Pillar with Pressed Arcuate Plastics. It accepts girder
150 x 60 cm,
150 x 100 cm,
100 x 100 cm,
25 x 25 cm...
CODE: 13850-12410
Pillar με Flat Plastics. It accepts girder
100 x 40 cm,
100 x 50 cm,
100 x 60 cm,
100 x 100 cm...
CODE: 13850-12420A-12420B
Pillar Racket Type with Use of Lamina.
It accepts girder
100 x 40 cm,
100 x 50 cm,
100 x 60 cm,
100 x 100 cm...
CODE: Column 13851-13853-12410 or 13850-13853-12410
CODE: Signs 12413-12418 or 12411-12410
2 Signs Pillar with Pressed Plastics και Arcuate Plastics in the Column.
It accepts girder
100 x 40 cm,
100 x 50 cm,
100 x 60 cm,
100 x 100 cm...
CODE: Column 13850-12410 or 13851-12410
CODE: Signs 12413-12418 or 12411-12410
Pillar 2 Signs with Pressed Plastics και Arcuate Plastics in the Column.
It accepts girder
100 x 40 cm,
100 x 50 cm,
100 x 60 cm,
100 x 100 cm...
CODE: Column 13829-13830-13832
CODE: Signs 12413-12418 or 12411-12410
Oblique Pillar of 4 Signs with Pressed Plastics και Flat Plastics in the Column. It accepts girder
150 x 60 cm,
150 x 100 cm...
CODE: Column 13856-13855 or 13855Α-13833-13816
CODE: Signs 12413-12418 or 12411-12410
Pillar 4 Signs with Pressed Plastics και Flat Plastics in the Column - Illuminated Profile Column. It accepts girder
150 x 60 cm,
150 x 100 cm...